Project 365 Week 16

Project 365 Week 16

Project 365: Take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.

4/18/11 (Monday) – We had a rough start this morning.  We were headed to a play group this morning in Waupaca and on the way home we had to buy some hay.  I needed to take the truck to bring home the hay.  I got the boys and all our stuff loaded and the truck’s battery was dead.

It turns out the battery wasn’t holding a charge, so when it was time to leave the play group I needed a jump and when the hay was loaded I needed a jump!  A little embarrassing!  It was an exciting adventure, since we were also running close to “Empty”.  I considered stopping to get gas while in Waupaca, but had enough embarrassment and decided to try to get home.  I had to decide what would be more embarrassing “asking for a jump at the gas station or running out of gas on the way home”.

 I was feeling lucky and we made it home!

4/19/11 (Tuesday) –  Off to school.


4/20/11 (Wednesday) – We skied today in our woods.


My garlic.

Robbie’s bike was left outside before the snow arrived.


4/21/11 (Thursday) – I pulled the milo stems out of the garden with Henry’s help.


4/22/11 (Friday) –  Spring break.  Coloring Easter eggs with friends.


4/23/11 (Saturday) –  Charlie showing Henry how to play with one finger.

4/24/11 (Sunday) – Henry’s quilt top is done.  Boarder is the Crazy Cut design.  I love this design I may be making some more Crazy Cut quilts in the near future!

Project 365 Week 15

Project 365 Week 15

Project 365: Take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.

4/11/11 (Monday) –  My book club (A.K.A Chips & Salsa).   A wonderful group of amazing women who are supportive, caring, loving, know how to laugh and pick good books!   At this meeting we discussed Monique and the Mango Rains: Two Years with a Midwife in Mali .  Our next meeting we will discuss Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home


4/12/11 (Tuesday) – My life at IWSC never ends.  I am drawn to that place like I was born there or maybe I will die there.  “The bowl” is where the ski jumpers finish out their landing.  “The bowl” fills up with water during the spring melt and we have a little fun paddling around in canoes.

Before the spring melt…

after the spring melt…


4/13/11 (Wednesday) – I can’t remember why there were tears.  Charlie took this photo and ten other photos of a ball on the ground.


4/14/11 (Thursday) – We had a beautiful day, Henry and I planted onions, fed chickens worms from the garden, went for a hike in the woods and butchered two chickens – not by my choice!  Sorry, I will refrain from posting pictures from this day.  No one needs to know who is guilty of the chickenslaughter. 


4/15/11 (Friday) – Earlier this week I became focused on entering a photo contest titled “Brothers” and spent way too much time looking at old and new photos of the brothers in our  house.  I got very little done this week. 

These are the four photos I entered…

 Brothers' secrets Ski with me! 

RobbieCharlieCarryPost Grass 3Boys1a

My other favorites…

Grass 3Boys2BW KellerLakeRW CB NetSilhouette   WNDW 3Boys2 WNDW 3Boys1RobbieHenryFaceOff Giggles                        IMG_2663 CharlieRobbieWatchJeffPickCorn1    DandelionBoys Bajillions


4/16/11 (Saturday) – It was snowing, sleeting and blowing outside.  I spent all day cooking those two darn chickens into a few meals for next week and cleaning parts of the house.  I also spent time setting up to make another batch of soap after the boys went to bed.  My neighbor, Marlene came over to help make this batch of soap.

My soap is wrapped like a present; to be opened 24 hours after the pour.


4/17/11 (Sunday) – I spent the morning at IWSC volunteering for an eco-friendly endurance trail run series.  In the afternoon we went for a hike around our property.  Our littlest hiker wanted to walk!

Project 365 Week 14

Project 365 Week 14

Project 365: Take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.

4/4/11 (Monday) – It was a little chilly today.  We went to the barn to scope out the location for our slackline.  My ideas for the slackline require Jack to rig something up without damaging our barn beams.

For now, we have a rope swing which took some scary climbing on my part.  When it was all done and I was back on the floor, I decided that I don’t want to do any high slacklining.  I will leave that to my sister Becca and my cousin Libby(click here to see a story on Libby’s slacklining).  The beam I walked on was not wide enough!


4/5/11 (Tuesday) –  The beach is going to be fun this year with a two year-old!

  Maybe not!!!!


4/6/11 (Wednesday) – This is the start of a quilt I am making for Henry.


4/7/11 (Thursday)  – Happy Birthday, Henry!  We skied today, for the very last time!         I mean it this time!

If you haven’t seen a picture of Henry’s birthday cake Click here to see my post on A Two-Year Old’s Birthday  it is the cutest cake I have ever decorated for one of the cutest boys around! (Jack took this photo)


4/8/11 (Friday) –  Charlie loves to play with legos and is constantly creating something.  Charlie asked me to take a picture of these ships that he made so they can be on Facebook.  Instead I am putting them here and I think he will be pleased. 


4/9/11 (Saturday) – I was able to get some projects done today!  I turned these socks into leggings.  My model wasn’t too happy about modeling.


I finished stuffing and closing up these tooth fairy pillows


and made some progress on Henry’s quilt.


4/10/11 (Sunday) –  More progress on Henry’s quilt.

Henry playing hide-and-seek. Hiding in the changing table.


A Two-Year Old’s Birthday

A Two-Year Old’s Birthday

Usually the third child gets slighted on many things, not this time!

Our first two-year old’s birthday was when we were living in the garage with no running water while completely remodeling our house.  

His birthday cake was brownies.

Our second two-year old had a simple, not so fancy cake.

Because I was busy making this family tree cake.

Now our third two-year old hit the jack-pot.

One of the cutest cakes I have ever decorated.

Project 365 Week 13

Project 365 Week 13

Project 365: Take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.

3/28/11 (Monday) – We were still skiing this week!  Spring skiing is the best when you don’t need gloves, a coat, and snow pants.



 3/29/11 (Tuesday) – Two boys getting dressed for school when there isn’t a fire in the stove.


3/30/11 (Wednesday) – Skiing with friends.

My best skiing partner!   


3/31/11 (Thursday) – Getting ready for skiing.


4/1/11 (Friday) – Last day of skiing and first day of biking.

I learned a new way for Henry to communicate he is done skiing.  I think he is going to be two years old, soon! Biking after school.

4/2/11 (Saturday) – Hanging with cousins at Chula Vista.  Thank you, Emily and John for having us!


4/3/11 (Sunday) – When you have three boys in your house, you might find baseballs where they don’t belong.  I noticed this one when I was working in the kitchen.   I’m not sure how long this ball has been there.  As you can see the cobwebs have been there for a while too.


This Moment – Reading

April 1, 2011

This Moment:  A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.