Week 9 – February 27 – March 5, 2012

Week 9 – February 27 – March 5, 2012

Monday, February 27th:  Henry made his own snowballs while I worked on my blog on Sunday night.  We took this picture in the morning.  This is fresh toilet paper jammed in the button holes of the love seat.  He also told me a long story about his plans for more snowballs.  He would go to the shop with Papa and pound and drill holes in a big piece of wood for a place to put more snow balls.

Tuesday, February 28th:  Sword fighting is usually an outside activity (or inside when they go in the basement) at our house.  Robbie wanted me to take some photos of them sword fighting for the collage we are making for his VIP days.   I suggested we do it in the house, they loved that idea!  BUT only if they cleaned up all their toys, dirty socks and other things (I won’t mention the other things that were picked up for this photo shoot).

We were expecting a snow storm and I was hoping for a snow day in the morning.  I let the boys read late into the night.  The latest and greatest thing is that Robbie is reading to Charlie.  Robbie’s reading has improved a lot in the last couple months, he reads the words quickly and Charlie isn’t distracted or bored because the story is taking too long.


Wednesday, February 29th:  The storm produced enough yucky weather for our school to call a snow day.  We didn’t get as much snow that was predicted but enough to get us outside.  We went snowshoeing around our property because it was much less work than going skiing.   It is the first time this winter I was able to try out my snowshoes that I got for Christmas.

 Henry got a pair of snowshoes from Jack’s Aunt Barbara last year.  We were too busy skiing last year that we didn’t do much snowshoeing. 

 I was impressed with how well Henry did.  He fell a few times and I carried him for a few minutes about halfway through our hike. 

  It wasn’t too difficult to keep up with the older boys because they were constantly falling and having a snowball fight.  Our hike took us about an hour and a half, in the summer time this hike takes us about a half hour.   I saw the boys having a blast and bit my tongue many times because I hate snowballs!  Click here  to read my post from last winter on snowball fights.


Thursday, March 1st:  Henry has horns. 

Friday, March 2nd:  Henry worked very hard on this big square of Legos during the last couple days. 

Henry started with an outside border and then worked on filling the inside. I could see his brain working to find the right piece for each spot. I had to show him that the single row Legos could fill those tiny spots. That made him happy. He was very proud to show Charlie this when Charlie got home from school. I needed to coach Charlie a little bit on being excited and impressed with Henry’s Legos.

After our snow day we had warm temperatures.  Not that the temps really matter to Henry.  He seems to think he can go outside if he at least has pants and boots on.

Saturday, March 3rd:  Jack took the big boys away for the weekend to visit his brother and family.  Henry and I worked on cleaning, organizing and rearranging my bedroom so it is ready for when the baby is born.  I laughed to myself when I gave Henry the job to vacuum inside my dresser.  I AM NOT A CLEAN FREAK!  I went a little over board!  I had to take this photo for my sister, Emily, she is the clean freak in the family!  Who vacuums the inside of their dressers?


Sunday, March 4th:  I had high hopes of making serious progress on my cleaning list.  Instead we took 2+ hour naps each day, cuddled by the fire, read books, snacked every two hours.  I was pleased with my progress in my bedroom and the kitchen because I made two different kinds of soup for my stash in the freezer.

I have plans to do a post on Henry’s favorite books.  Because these aren’t really his favorites. 

Henry’s pile of books from our cuddling and reading times:


Project 365 Week 8

Project 365 Week 8

Project 365:  Take a photo a day and see your life in a whole new way.

2/21/11 (Monday) – Today was a snow day for Robbie.  The two older boys spent a lot of time outside playing in the snow making forts and sledding.  Henry spent time out there too but he never lasted very long.

Here is one time when Henry wanted to go outside.  He got himself dressed and stepped out the door after one of the boys.  He almost has it figured out.

2/22/11 (Tuesday) – Fresh snow every where!  I had to ski today!   This is one of my favorite spots on the IWSC trails.  The skiing was slow on the fresh snow and a lot of work.  My friends’ son was tired of riding in the sled so he ran part of the way.


2/23/11 (Wednesday) – Another awesome morning skiing with friends.  My friend Lynn took this photo for me.

Our friends were on a tight schedule this morning.  We skied for about an hour with them.   After our friends left, I reminded Charlie how important it is for us to give Henry a turn to ski and that Henry would love to ski with his big brother, off they went.

An after school snowball fight.  I allowed this to happen because all the snow chunks were still light and fluffy from the fresh snow we got the day before.  See more photos in Snow ball fights.



2/24/11 (Thursday) – This afternoon we skied with my friend, Mary (who took these photos for me).  Henry got his turn to ski as we headed out.  He asked for my poles.  I think he noticed all my double poling that I did last week.  I think he has that technique figured out.


2/25/11 (Friday) – Henry likes zippers.  I found him trying to get zipped into this lunch box,signing “help!” and trying to get into the lunch box from another angle,

and finally zipped in and ready for lunch.


2/26/11 (Saturday) – On our last day of the IWSC Youth Ski Program we re-enact The Race of the Birkebeiners.  All the skiers carry their Norwegian Prince to safety and  get a medal. http://www.liselungelarsen.com/birkebeiners.php

2/27/11 (Sunday) – Photo taken by Jack.  We snowshoed  in our woods before our company had to leave.

Snowball fights

I dislike snowball fights for many reasons…

  • I’m a Mom and I know the usual outcome.
  • I don’t like to get hit with a snowball on any part of my body.
  • Someone always gets hurt. 
  • In the heat of the moment the boys don’t think about where their snowball is going to land if they miss the target.
  • I don’t want a broken window in the middle of winter.
  • I don’t like throwing of any kind of object.
  • I have one boy who has an incredible throwing arm.
  • Snow balls usually aren’t soft.

Today the snowballs  were soft.  I didn’t stop the snowball fight and everyone involved had a blast. 

Two little boys against one big boy seemed almost even to me.

Robbie would fall down with every throw of Henry’s and

Henry would laugh so hard I thought he would fall over.

There was so much giggling how could I put a stop to that?