Lifestyle Change!

October 1, 2018 was my first day of exercising every day.   As of today, it has been 190 days in a row.   I have been celebrating one day at a time.  Today, I realized it has been six months!

I started with the plan to run or walk 2 miles every day.  Once that was established and it felt like a normal every day habit (and it got to be boring) I increased my goal to exercise for at least 30 minutes/day.  It is recommended that we exercise for 30 minutes for at least 5 days a week.

Some days, it has been very easy to exercise and some days not so easy.  I am not a morning person and have always hated the idea of an early morning or late night exercising activity.  I have gotten up at 5am to exercise twice, multiple times I have started my exercising by 6/6:30am and at least three times I have exercised after 9:30pm.

I have learned to be more flexible, prepared, to plan ahead, watch the weather and to go out of my comfort zone.  The most difficult and still challenging thing I deal with is making time for me to exercise.  I struggle in my motherhood journey with putting everyone in my life before myself.  I struggle with depression and as I get older I see high cholesterol and diabetes knocking on my door.  I have less time to do active things with my kids and find myself spending more and more time spectating sporting events, being the cook, housekeeper, taxi and referee.

My inspirations:

My parents and Jack’s parents.

My kids.

My 30-year-old sisters.

My goals:

Continue to exercise every day.

Every year, do a birthday ride or run.  Riding my bike or running  the miles of how old I am.  For my 50th birthday I will run 50 miles!

Be healthier than my parents.

Continue to be physically capable of doing active things with my sisters, who are 18 years younger than me.

Be healthier in my older years for my kids.  I will be 60 years old when Nola Mae goes to college!

To have the physical ability to travel and do active things with my grandkids well into my 70’s, like my mother-in-law.

Be a positive role model to my children.

Inspire others to have a healthy lifestyle.


“One Day Closer”

Credit: Ben McMillan

3 responses

  1. I’m proud of you Jenny for sticking with it for 6 months knowing how busy you keep yourself. Glad I got this via my email since I’ve been off Facebook for almost a year (and don’t miss it yet). Miss you!


  2. You always are an inspiration – I know you don’t always feel that way. But that makes it an even a stronger message. If it was easy everyone would do it!!! Keep it up!!

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