Springtime and Flowering Trees

Everyone knows my favorite season is winter.  I am unhappy when the snow starts melting.  During this transition from winter to spring I usually go into a state of depression where I get nothing accomplished.  I am in this gloomy state of mind for 1-2 weeks.  Because of where we live the transition to spring isn’t pretty outside!  Or inside my house!


We have slush, mud, warm days, cold days, rain, snow, more rain and some times more snow.

When spring has finally arrived, I forget a little bit about the snow that I love and enjoy the beauty around me and have a little fun.  Click here to see my post on Springtime Biking.

One of my favorite springtime sights is my mother-in-law’s daffodils, absolutely breathtaking in person…

Another favorite spring time sight is of our  flowering crab trees:

5 responses

  1. Beautiful shots! You must enjoy Spring enough to capture the beauty of blooming 🙂

    I have to admit, I am completely opposite…I despise Winter & LOVE the Spring & Summer months, I’ll even take Autumn over Winter any day!

    Enjoy the beautiful things…

  2. Those are beautiful photos of the blossoming trees! That close-up off the deep pink blossoms makes them look like roses. And I really like the shot of the garden framed by the boughs of blossoms. Here in our yard I’m missing the apple blossoms that were swept away by yesterday’s wind, but the lilacs are at about peak color and fragrance now.

  3. Pingback: All My Springs Are In You 081511 « Mennonite Preacher

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